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  • John 10:36 am on March 6, 2014 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , life measured in inches   

    Observations From “John Holmes, A Life Measured In Inches” 

    This is not a review, but 5 stars is not scoring it high enough in my opinion. A wealth of information.

    A few things to mention and then you’ll have to buy the book, if you have not already.

    • Eddie Nash sat in the back of the courtroom during Holmes’ trial. He just stared at Holmes most of the time. (Man, Nash had some balls). The intimidation factor in full effect. With David Lind there too, there must have been a lot of extra bailiffs on duty to keep everyone from killing each other.
    • Holmes and Det. Frank Tomlinson connected through Jesus Christ. Frank was just discovering God and the Bible, and even prayed with John. Surprisingly, John Holmes did not allow his attorneys to cross-examine Frank Tomlinson while on the stand. John respected Frank and did not want him put through the ringer or to get torn up by Mitchell Egers and Earl Hanson, I guess.
    • Earl Hanson lent John a Volkswagon van or bus after his trial and release from jail. I had read about that before, but I assumed it was a VW beetle. Other sources never stated that  it was a van.

    Not even the tip of the iceberg. Get the book!


    • Jill C. Nelson 8:26 pm on March 8, 2014 Permalink | Reply

      Really appreciate your kind words, Critic. I was a bit late coming on board, but heard and read many stories about the old Lion’s Gate forum. From what I understand, it was epic. You might be interested to know that Jennifer and I have remained good friends. We plan to visit her and her family this summer. Jennifer is doing very well and will soon become a mother for the second time. I’ve told her often that her invitation to co-write “Inches” enhanced my life’s path. It changed both of our lives. We still laugh about how crazy some of that journey was. But it’s all good. 😉


    • criticextraordinaire 12:53 pm on March 8, 2014 Permalink | Reply

      Those of us who were regs on the Lionsgate board, and then moved over to the IMDb-Wonderland board, were happy to see Jennifer and Jill put out this masterpiece, which started from humble beginnings. Not unlike its subject. 😀


    • Jill C. Nelson 5:41 pm on March 6, 2014 Permalink | Reply

      Thanks so much, John, for the pub. You didn’t have to but it’s much appreciated. 🙂


    • localarts 10:50 am on March 6, 2014 Permalink | Reply

      David Lind was probably just as scared as Holmes. It’s obvious why he said he didn’t know it was Nash they were robbing. I bet Eddie affixed his stare squarely on Lind when he took the whiteness stand.


      • John 12:43 pm on March 6, 2014 Permalink | Reply

        Probably so. Lind was more cantankerous and moody, accusatory at the 1990-91 trials, even calling out Diles and Nash “I never killed anyone, they did!!” (pointing at the pair). I guess by then, Nash was not as scary to him.


        • Tori 1:52 pm on March 6, 2014 Permalink

          What book john?


        • John 3:37 pm on March 6, 2014 Permalink

          John Holmes: A Life Measured in Inches by Jennifer Sugar and Jill C Nelson. Another book on my list to read is Golden Goddeses, which is about some of the early female porno stars.


  • John 10:51 am on September 10, 2013 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , life measured in inches,   

    1964 Watkins Memorial High School (Pataskala, Ohio) 

    This was John Holmes high school, so I have included some photos from the 1964 Watkins Memorial yearbook. I guess that John would have graduated in 1962 if he’d finished his public schooling. This gives you a glimpse into the town of Pataskala, Ohio, local businesses, the high school kids, and all just a few years shy of the young Holmes era in Ohio.

    Far from L.A. and Hollywood.

    • localarts 11:28 am on September 11, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      LOL. Must be 21 to get in, parking in the back.


    • criticextraordinaire 6:04 pm on September 10, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      I once stopped off at a quick-mart in Pataskala as I was passing thru several years ago. As I was at the checkout, I asked the guy at the desk “Is this the town where Johnny Wadd grew up?”. He was noticeably annoyed and said “just take your stuff and get out of here”. I gathered from that exchange that some people in Pataskala are still troubled by John.

      I always thought it would be cool if they had some sort of John Holmes museum in town where people could come in and learn more about The King. It would being a little business into town. Having a little theatre beside it would be nice too, but I imagine that would be unrealistic. 😦


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